Treatment of Compression Problems in Children

Compression problems in children are anatomical problems that occur as a result of disorders in the structure or posture of the feet. In addition to the feet, problems with the legs and hips can also cause compression problems in children. These problems are usually congenital and can be noticed at an early age. Compression problems are more noticeable when the child first begins to walk. Therefore; It is important for parents to observe the child’s gait in order to detect a possible pressing problem.

Compression problems in childhood may not always require treatment. However, early diagnosis of pressing problems is important in cases where treatment is needed. For your questions about the treatment of compression problems in children, you can contact our clinic in Ankara and make an appointment with Specialist Dr. Nural Aydin.

What are the Compression Problems in Children?

Compression problems in children can be noticed as soon as they are born. When the child starts to walk, it becomes increasingly pronounced. If the child is stepping inward or outward while walking, it may be possible to talk about the compression problem. These types of walking problems can cause the child to lose their balance or stagger while walking. This can be an obstacle for long-distance walks. The most common pressing problems in children are:

Pressing In: “Inward compression”, which is defined as the feet pressing inward relative to the upper part of the leg and the body during walking, is one of the common pressing problems in children. It is more common in girls. Pressing in; It may be caused by disorders in the hip bone, kaval bone or foot bones. Most often, with the growth of the child, inward pressing also disappears.

Pressing Out: If the child is pressing his feet to the ground in such a way that he forms a noticeable outward angle while walking, then the problem of “pressing outwards” can be mentioned. Outward compression is usually caused by problems with the hip.

Flat Insole: Normally, there is a curve in the inner part of the sole of our feet. “Flat sole” refers to situations in which there is no obvious curvature in the sole of the foot and the sole is flattened. In such a situation, the child steps on the ground with the inside of his foot. This can cause pain during and after a walk.

High Insoles: The fact that the curve on the sole of the foot is higher than normal is called “high insoles”. This can cause deformity in the foot.

Compression problems in children can develop due to different reasons. In some cases, these problems are genetically caused. Disorders in the hip and foot bones can also manifest as compression problems.

How to Understand Compression Problems in Children?

Compression problems in children generally occur as a result of muscle and bone problems in the foot, leg or hip areas. Some disorders may occur during the controls performed in the mother’s womb. Apart from this, pressing problems are noticed when the child starts to walk. Symptoms of pressing problems in children generally include:

  • During walking, the feet look in or out according to the legs
  • No curvature on the sole of the foot
  • The child does not want to walk and avoids situations that require walking
  • Stumbling or falling while walking
  • Asymmetrical appearance on the feet or legs
  • Feeling pain when standing for a long time
  • Quick fatigue on walks

These symptoms appear when the child begins to walk. The presence of these symptoms may signal when the child has a pressing problem.

How are compression problems treated in children?

Compression problems in children are mostly congenital. The problems that children experience with pressing usually resolve on their own without the need for treatment. However, in the case of compression problems that continue after a certain age, treatment or some supportive applications may be necessary. Especially in the treatment of compression problems accompanied by pain, the use of appropriate insoles or shoes is recommended. However, physical therapy and exercise practices are also the most effective treatment method in correcting walking. Exercises such as stretching movements and soft tissue relaxation help to eliminate the pressing problems seen in children and to make the steps healthy and harmonious. With the implementation of the appropriate physical therapy and rehabilitation program, it can be ensured that the compression problems are reduced.

Ankara Treatment of Compression Problems in Children

Compression problems encountered during childhood can resolve spontaneously without the need for treatment. In such cases, physical therapy methods are the first methods of application for pain caused by compression problems. At the same time, some home exercises can also eliminate walking and posture disorders that may be caused by pressing problems. These exercises and the ideal application times for these exercises are determined by the physical therapist during the rehabilitation process. During the rehabilitation process, it is ensured that the child and the parent are also informed about this.

You can contact our clinic and make an appointment to get more information about compression problems in children