Posture Disorder Treatment

Our posture is an important factor that affects our quality of life. Having a proper posture in all physical activities, sleeping and sitting positions helps us to protect ourselves from physical and mental distress. Posture disorders such as lordosis, lumbar hyperlordosis, kyphosis, which are based on the fact that the spine is different from the normal shape, can affect the appearance of the person as well as cause problems during physical activity. In order to maintain a quality and healthy life, it is very important to treat posture disorders, especially early diagnosis and treatment.

In the continuation of our article, you can find information about posture disorders. For more detailed information, you can reach Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın and visit our clinic in Ankara.

What is Posture Disorder?

Posture (posture) is the arrangement of the parts of our body in the most general sense. In certain parts of the body, there are curvatures at certain angles in accordance with the musculoskeletal system. The posture in which the force applied to the joints is evenly distributed is called normal posture. The posture of the body in different positions also changes. For example, the forms that the body takes in the standing position, sitting position and lying down position are different from each other. Posture disorders; are disorders that occur as a result of the inability of the body to evenly distribute the load on the spine during different physical activities. It can occur as a result of various diseases or in the developmental process.

The ideal posture is defined as the equal distribution of the load distributed on the two feet, the positioning of the body in the midline and the equal distribution of the load on the joints in the midline. The posture in which the load on the joints is evenly distributed and the natural curvatures of the body are preserved prevents the emergence of many anatomical problems in the future.

What Causes Posture Disorder?

Genetic factors, structural problems and daily life habits are effective in the emergence of posture disorders. Various factors such as dealing with desk work, doing manual work for a long time, studying for a long time and staying in the same position, carrying a heavy backpack, sleeping incorrectly, sitting and standing positions, excess weight can lead to posture disorders.

What Are the Types of Posture Disorders?

Kyphosis(Hump): Postural kyphosis is caused by an oblique in the back spine. The patient can temporarily straighten his back. However, the curvature affects the general posture of the person. The most effective factor in the formation of postural kyphosis is wrong habits. It is difficult to let go of these habits, especially for people who work in desk jobs. But with the right exercises, the back and spine can be supported. Thus, the effect of the factors that cause hump can be significantly reduced. It is not a structural, but a functional disorder. Structural kyphosis (Scheuermann’s Kyphosis) is a disease seen in the developmental process and occurs especially at an age when bone development is experienced rapidly.

Lumbar Hyperlordosis: It is a type of posture disorder that causes low back pain. It occurs with an increase in the angle of pitting, which is considered normal, in the lumbar region. It can occur due to weakening between the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen, back, hips. Pregnancy and incorrect sleeping positions (sleeping face down, sleeping in soft bed, etc.) can lead to increased waist hollowness.

Kypholordosis: It is a condition of hunchback and waist hollowness in the back. Patients with kypholordosis may experience pain in various areas such as neck, back, shoulders.

Posture Disorders Caused by the Legs: Correct posture can be achieved with normal postures in both the back and leg area. Therefore, asymmetry in the legs also causes posture disorder. Various factors such as various diseases, fractures, joint movement limitations, congenital hip dislocation can cause asymmetry in the legs. For this reason, the physical therapy process after muscle and bone damage is very important. Asymmetries in the legs can be eliminated with physical therapy and rehabilitation applications. Thus, it is ensured that the person steps on the ground and that the posture is in the ideal possible state.

Posterior Pelvic Tilt: It is a disorder in which the abdominal muscles are in a tense, lower back muscles are in an elongated position. There is an appearance as if the buttocks do not exist, as if they are buried inside

How to Understand Posture Disorder?

The most common symptom in posture disorders is pain. Generally, pain in areas such as waist, back, neck is the most characteristic feature of posture disorders. However, some posture disorders, such as humpback, are immediately noticeable. Therefore, most often, a physical examination by a specialist doctor is sufficient. It is possible to diagnose the disease by physical examination and X-ray imaging

  • Pain in the waist, back and neck, shoulders, arms, legs, wrists, etc.
  • Muscle fatigue, weakness
  • Nerve compressions
  • Easy to get injured, being open to injuries

Even in simple daily activities, symptoms such as fatigue and discomfort can be a sign of posture disorder.

When Does Posture Disorder Begin?

Posture disorder begins to appear at an early age, during childhood. In the formation of posture disorders, it is very important that the steps are correct and pressed to the ground. In children with compression problems, the risk of posture disorder increases in the future. It is important for parents to observe their children and seek the necessary expert help in case of any posture disorder.

Posture disorder, as well as the developmental process, can also occur during adulthood. It is a common discomfort, especially in people who have to work in desk jobs.

The first step in the treatment of Ankara posture disorder is to identify the problem. After it is determined which of the areas such as back, shoulder, neck and hip the problem occurs in connection with, the treatment method for these problems is applied. The first step of the treatment process is physical therapy and rehabilitation. With physical therapy and rehabilitation procedures, the tissues in the back and legs are strengthened. Emphasis is placed on exercises aimed at getting the body in the anatomically ideal position. Especially in physical therapy applications planned depending on the type of posture disorder, appropriate exercises for the back, shoulder, waist and leg area can be prioritized. Since physical therapists are the ones who know the anatomy of the body best, they help both to raise the awareness of the person during the treatment process and to reduce the pain caused by posture disorder with the right exercises. In this process, a corset can also be used with the evaluations of doctors and physiotherapists and it may be recommended to make some changes in life habits. Early diagnosis is very important in the treatment of the disease. With the exercises recommended by experts, the progression of the disease can be prevented and pain can be reduced.

If you want to get more information about posture disorder treatment and physical therapy applications in Ankara, you can contact our clinic.