Lumbar Hernia Treatment
Angora herniated disc is a health problem that occurs as a result of slipping or rupturing the discs between the spines. It can cause pain in the waist, hip and leg areas. Pains and walking difficulties, especially in the legs, are common signs of the disease. In some occupational groups, the incidence is higher. With advancing age, the risk of lumbar hernia increases. However, it is a problem that can also be seen in our young patients. Factors such as injuries in the lumbar region, lifting heavy loads, repetitive movements, pregnancy status are effective in the emergence of the disease.
In this article, we will give general information about lumbar hernia. For detailed information about the problem and treatment of lumbar hernia, you can visit our clinic in Ankara and contact Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın.
What is a herniated disc?
In the lumbar region of the spine there are five vertebrae and discs. This area is responsible for carrying the body’s load. After a forced movement that causes trauma in the lumbar region, there may be a rupture of the connective tissues behind the spine and in the front area of the cartilage. The problem, which is felt primarily in the form of low back pain, may manifest itself with pain in the leg area over time. The reason for this is; As the discomfort progresses, the structures that act as cushioners begin to put pressure on the nerves. The cause of pain and numbness in the legs and feet is related to this. With the progression of the disease, complaints may increase; different health problems may occur. Serious problems such as urinary and stool incontinence, loss of sexual functions, etc. may occur. If the herniated disc has begun to affect other functions of the body, surgical intervention may be required.
What Causes a Herniated Disc?
The main factors that cause the weakening of the discs and therefore prepare the ground for lumbar herniation; degenerations that occur with aging are the problems experienced by factors such as being overweight, lifting heavy loads, making sudden movements.
In some occupational groups, herniated disc is a more common problem. Working in jobs that require carrying heavy loads and working at the desk for a long time and driving for a long time can cause a herniated disc.
Factors such as overweight, irregular nutrition, inactivity, smoking are also effective in the formation of a herniated disc. Pregnancy can also cause the appearance of a herniated disc as it causes weight gain.
What are the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?
- Waist, leg, hip pain
- Numbness in the feet
- Difficulties walking
- Weakness
- Loss of Balance
- Difficulty moving, sitting and walking
How is Lumbar Hernia Diagnosed?
In the diagnosis of lumbar hernia, the patient’s history is listened to and a detailed examination is performed. The diagnosis can be made by using X-ray, magnetic resonance (MRI), computed tomography (CT), electromyography (EMG) technologies.
What Should Those Who Have a Herniated Disc Pay Attention To?
- Avoiding sudden movements
- Not to lift heavy loads and to pay attention to load lifting positions
- Doing light exercises
- Not staying in the same position for a long time
- Avoiding movements that will strain the spine
- Weight control
- Sitting upright and supporting the waist while sitting
- Not standing too much
Physical therapy, drug therapy, algology and surgery are the methods used in the treatment of herniated disc. What is decisive in the treatment of lumbar hernia is the severity of the disease and the examination findings. In mild to moderate herniated disc, the ideal treatment method is usually physical therapy. The physical therapy process provides relief of the discs and tissues in the lumbar region, allowing both pain to be reduced and the person to move comfortably.
The aim of the treatment of herniated disc with physical therapy is; reduction of the destruction and irritation caused by the herniated disc, protection of the patient’s spine, improvement of the functionality of the spine. Physical therapy methods are important for reducing the patient’s pain, strengthening the muscles in the area, and therefore for a long-term treatment and prevention.
You can contact our clinic in Ankara for physical therapy and rehabilitation methods applied in lumbar hernia; you can make an appointment.