Cruciate Ligament Rupture Treatment
The knee joint is one of the most active joints in our body. In the knee joint, there is a lot of connective tissue to hold the bones together. Cruciate-shaped ligaments located in the anterior and posterior region of the knee joint are called “cruciate ligament”. These ligaments control the movements of the knee, keeping the bones stable. A blow to the knee area or a movement that damages this area can cause damage or tearing of the ligaments there
Damage and rupture of cruciate ligaments often requires the intervention of a doctor. For information about the damage to the cruciate ligaments and treatment methods, you can contact our clinic in Ankara and make an appointment with Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın.
What Is a Cruciate Ligament?
One of the most common injuries we encounter in the knee joint is cruciate ligament injuries. In cruciate ligament injury, the anterior cruciate ligaments are usually damaged. Anterior cruciate ligaments allow the leg bone and knee joint to maintain their normal shape, allowing the knee to move in a healthy way. For this reason, it is very important for the knee to move in a healthy way.
What Is a Cruciate Ligament Rupture?
The anterior cruciate ligament can be torn as a result of a sudden movement during sports or physical activity. Especially in the case when the lower part of the leg and the feet are fixed to the ground, a tear may occur with a sudden rotation of the body. Cruciate ligament rupture is a common condition, especially in sports where the knees are actively used, such as football, basketball and tennis.
What Are the Symptoms of Cruciate Ligament Rupture?
The characteristic symptom of cruciate ligament rupture is pain. If a person feels extreme pain after a severe injury and is unable to use the knee joint, a specialist examination is required without losing time.
When admitted to the hospital in such a situation, some tests are performed to detect the tear. Lachman examines the knee with pre-pull and pivot-shift tests. This area can be examined with X-rays and MRI to detect damage to the knee and see if there are other injuries.
What Causes Cruciate Ligament Rupture?
Cruciate ligament ruptures generally develop due to sudden or uncontrolled physical movement. Sports accidents can also cause cruciate ligament rupture.
Anterior cruciate ligaments can be stretched up to a point in such cases. But when the intensity of the blow or a reverse movement increases, the cruciate ligaments may be partially damaged or completely torn.
Cruciate ligament ruptures are more common in women. Although the reason for this is not exactly known, it is estimated that the muscle structure, anatomical difference in the knees and estrogen have an effect in this case.
How is a cruciate ligament tear treated?
Treatment for a cruciate ligament tear varies according to the severity of the injury. Depending on the patient’s complaints and the level of injury, surgical or non-surgical treatment options may be available.
Surgical treatment of Ankara cruciate ligament tear is a method that can be preferred especially for young and physically active people. When deciding on surgery, factors such as the age of the person, the desire to continue sports life and the extent to which the cruciate ligaments are damaged are important.
In non-surgical treatment, rest is the first recommended. Reducing the movement of the knee joint helps reduce pain. However, during the day, thanks to the cold compress applied regularly, edema can be reduced. It may also be useful to wrap it with a bandage in a knee to reduce swelling and pain. When the pain and swelling are reduced, the physical therapy process is started.
Cruciate Ligament Therapy with Physical Therapy
In cruciate ligament treatment, it is important to support the knee area with exercise. With the help of appropriate physical movements, muscles are strengthened again. Patients who do not want to have surgery or prefer to delay the operation time can reduce the pain in their knees thanks to physical therapy. Thus, the patient regains his balance, increases the strength in the knee area and reduces the likelihood of re-injury.
The treatment to be applied in cruciate ligament injuries may vary depending on the damage to the ligaments. In cases where surgery is not deemed necessary, appropriate exercises can be determined and studies can be carried out to strengthen the muscles. Physical therapy can also be applied in the period after cruciate ligament surgery. In this way, during the rehabilitation process after the operation, the mobility of the knee joints is ensured. The rehabilitation process after surgery helps to increase the movement capacity of the knee joints. The treatment process in cruciate ligament rupture should be planned by a specialist physiotherapist.
If you want to get more information about cruciate ligament rupture and treatment in Ankara, you can contact our clinic.