Cervical Hernia Treatment

Cervical hernia; It is a disease that may occur due to life habits, traumas or genetic transmission, and adversely affects the quality of life with severe pain. Cervical hernia, which is characterized by neck pain and numbness problems in the arms, can be seen at any age. However, in the treatment process, physical therapy applications are the first stage. In cervical hernia discomfort that does not yield results despite physical therapy and rehabilitation, surgical applications can be helped. In the continuation of our article, we will give more detailed information about cervical hernia and treatment methods.

For detailed information about cervical hernia treatment in Ankara, you can contact the clinic of Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın.

What is Cervical Hernia?

There are 7 spinal bones in our body that are responsible for carrying our skull. The weight of our skull is transmitted to the spine through these spinal bones. Between the bones of the spine, there are structures called discs, and the outer part of the discs consists of a soft tissue in the middle of the hard middle. The problem that plays a role in the emergence of cervical hernia is that this soft structure moves outwards, towards the nerves and changes its location over time.

The spine is a structure that carries the spinal cord in it. The spinal cord transmits signals sent from our brain to the body. In the case of a hernia, a pressure on the spinal cord may occur. The increase in the deterioration in the structure of the disc and the pressure of the disc material on the space where the spinal cord and nerves are located is called “cervical hernia”.

Cervical hernia can occur for different reasons. The structure of the disc is deformed by the effect of traumas, accidents, pressures, aging and wear and tear in time.

What are the Symptoms of Cervical Hernia?

  • Pain in the neck and arm, pain in the neck and head, pain in the neck and back
  • Weakness and pain in the arm and fingers, numbness
  • Difficulty walking in later periods, balance disorder
  • Weakening of reflexes
  • Pain

Is Every Neck Pain a Cervical Hernia?

There is no pain that can be directly described as cervical hernia pain. But not every pain in the neck means a cervical hernia. Pains caused by muscles, lymph, pain from vascular tissues, pain related to swallowing reflexes or pain from the nervous system can also cause pain in the neck area.

Who Has a Cervical Hernia?

Cervical hernia can occur from the age of 20. We can say that it is often seen in the 20-40 age range.

Traumas such as heavy load lifting, reverse movements affecting the neck, movements that cause the connective tissue to rupture, traffic accidents and falling from a height can cause cervical hernia.

Inactivity, which is one of the most important factors of posture disorder, and sitting at a desk for a long time can also cause cervical hernia.

It can be said that people with a family history of cervical hernia have a higher proportion of cervical hernia, associated with genetic factors in joint sensitivity.

How is Cervical Hernia Diagnosed?

Not every neck pain is associated with a cervical hernia. A detailed examination is required to diagnose a cervical hernia. It can be difficult to diagnose because it is likely to be confused with different diseases.

First of all, a detailed history (patient history) should be taken. If a cervical hernia is suspected, MRI imaging is performed. After the MRI, electromyography (EMG), which is an electrical test, is used to see if there is a nerve attitude. Computed tomography (CT) and x-rays are also imaging methods that help in making a diagnosis.

Ankara cervical hernia treatment can be performed with both surgical and non-surgical methods. However, the first method used; non-surgical methods, ie physical therapy and rehabilitation. In physical therapy applications for cervical hernia, it is aimed to support the muscle tissues in the neck, spinal cord and arms. In patients with severe pain, reducing the severity of pain takes precedence. If there is a limitation of movement due to cervical hernia, the discs and tissues in the neck area are softened and the patient is sufficient to adapt to daily life again. The physical therapy process is a long-term treatment process planned by specialists. With the right approach and the regular participation of the patient, very successful results can be achieved. In this process, the patient is also made aware of a new way of life that will not trigger the pain of cervical hernia. In cases of severe cervical hernia that do not respond to physical therapy, surgery can be helped. The patient may also be advised to use a neck brace.

You can contact our clinic to get more detailed information about cervical hernia treatment in Ankara and physical therapy applications performed in this process.