Prolotherapy, also known as “proliferative therapy”, is a treatment method that can be considered new in the treatment of pain. It is very advantageous both because it is a procedure performed without surgery, only by injection, and because it allows the tissues to renew themselves. Some doctors also consider stem cell, or PRP treatment, to be a sub-branch of prolotherapy. Because if necessary, instead of the dextrose solution applied, platelet cells taken from the person’s own blood can also be used. The dextrose solution used in the application is a liquid that triggers the release of reparative and healing cells.
You can find more information about prolotherapy and how it is applied in the continuation of our article. You can contact the clinic of Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın for prolotherapy and other pain treatment methods in Ankara.
What is Prolotherapy?
Prolotherapy; It is a treatment method used in chronic musculoskeletal system disorders. Mainly, it is aimed at deliberately damaging tissues and activating reparative cells thanks to the special solution used in the process. This particular solution used causes inflammation to occur in the tissues. On the other hand, it activates the body’s regenerating cells. Thus, a rapid healing and renewal process begins in the area where the injection was made. Tendons and joints damaged for various reasons regain strength and mobility. Therefore, the pain that reduces the quality of life of the person is also reduced and the frequency and severity of the pain are controlled. In general, in prolotherapy, a solution of dextrose is used.
What is Dextrose Solution?
Dextrose solution is the most preferred substance in prolotherapy applications. Its function is to trigger the release of growth factors. The soft tissue and ligaments in the area where the dextrose solution is injected are strengthened again and the growth of the tendons is supported.
What is the effect of prolotherapy?
Dextrose solution used in prolotherapy; It is a solution that has irritating properties, at the same time triggers the healing process of tissues. It gives especially effective results in the treatment of acute injuries and pain. However, it is not a preferred method in rheumatic diseases.
How is Prolotherapy Performed?
Prolotherapy is a procedure performed by injection. Although this situation scares many of our patients, it is a treatment that all our patients complete easily thanks to the anesthesia procedures performed. Depending on the patient’s condition, the procedure can also be performed with local anesthesia.
The procedure takes 20 – 30 minutes in total. After the completion of prolotherapy, heat packs can be applied to the injected areas. In this process, the patient rests for 10 to 15 minutes and can return home on the same day.
Things to Consider Before Prolotherapy;
Before prolotherapy, the area to be treated is examined with the help of various imaging methods. In this process, the areas to be injected are also determined.
After deciding on the points to be injected, the skin is cleaned with alcohol. Anesthesia is applied to reduce pain and the procedure is started.
Before applying, the patient must be full to feel better. A meal with plenty of protein may be preferred to gather strength. In order to get better results from the treatment, it may also be requested to discontinue some drugs used regularly within three days before the procedure. Blood thinners, in particular, can adversely affect the procedure.
Recovery Process After Prolotherapy
After prolotherapy, edema and tissue stiffness may occur due to injection. This is a usual situation and often resolves on its own, without the need for additional treatment. However, in order to minimize the side effects arising from the application, prolotherapy must be performed by an experienced physical therapist.
After prolotherapy, you can return to daily life on the same day.
If there are complaints such as fever and excessive pain after the application, you should definitely consult your doctor.
How Many Sessions Are Performed on Prolotherapy?
In prolotherapy sessions, approximately 4 to 15 applications can be made. The number of sessions varies according to the intensity of the pain and the needs of the person. In general, it is recommended to do 3 – 6 sessions.
What Diseases Can Be Treated with Prolotherapy?
Prolotherapy is an application that is often applied to the back area. Nevertheless;
- Sports injuries
- Torn tendons
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Knee, hip, neck, shoulder pain and other joint and ligament pains in the body can be treated with prolotherapy.
Is Prolotherapy Safe?
Prolotherapy is a treatment that is just beginning to become widespread in the treatment of pain. Therefore, like any new application, it carries some risks. However, many studies prove that prolotherapy is a safe practice.
Ankara Prolotherapy Prices
In prolotherapy treatment, prices may vary according to the application area and session. For this reason, the treatment process of each of our patients should be specially planned.
You can contact our clinic to learn the prices of prolotherapy in Ankara