What is Neurological Rehabilitation?

Neurological rehabilitation; is a kind of physical therapy programme aimed at minimizing muscle and skeletal damage caused by neurological diseases.

Neurological diseases are progressive. That is, the patient’s condition constantly worsens. Neurological diseases due to the death of brain cells are manifested by mild muscle weakness in the early stages. As the disease progresses, the person becomes unable to move their limbs. This is a very difficult situation for the patient as well as their relatives. Neurological rehabilitation prolongs this process. It can be applied to both adult and pediatric patients.

What is the Purpose of Neurological Rehabilitation?

Many neurological diseases cannot be cured. Almost all of the treatments applied are aimed at relieving symptoms and increasing the patient’s quality of life. At this point, the role of physical therapy is great. By keeping the muscles active, physical therapy prolongs the time that the person can meet their own needs. Physical therapy helps to mobilize the muscles, especially after emergency surgical interventions for paralyzed patients. If the neurological rehabilitation process is planned correctly, gradual improvement is seen in many patients. Thus, it is even possible for paralyzed patients with early intervention to walk again.

Which diseases can be treated with Neurological Rehabilitation?

  • Stroke (Paralysis)
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Gullian Barre syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Muscle weakness after brain tumor surgery
  • Neurological diseases due to work accident
  • Muscle diseases (Myopathy)
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Nervous diseases
  • Facial paralysis.

There is no definitive treatment for many of these diseases. Therefore, the aim of physical therapy is; It is to ensure that the patient continues his vital activities in the most comfortable way. Especially in lifelong muscle diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, Myasthenia Gravis, the later the patient becomes bedridden, the higher the success of the treatment is considered.

How Long Does Neurological Rehabilitation Last?

In neurological rehabilitation, there can be no mention of a fixed course of treatment. How much the patient responds to treatment, the course and type of disease determines how long neurological rehabilitation will last. Therefore, the treatment process may vary from person to person. Both the type of applications performed and the frequency of rehabilitation should be planned according to the needs of the patient.

What are the Applications in Neurological Rehabilitation?

The most commonly used applications in neurological rehabilitation are:

  • Increasing motor learning skills
  • Special movement rehabilitation methods such as task-oriented training, mental practice, etc.
  • Neurological rehabilitation special methods such as Bobath, Johnstone, Brunnstrom
  • MAT activities
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
  • Special joint and soft tissue mobilization techniques

Ankara Neurological Rehabilitation

In Ankara neurological rehabilitation process, the patient’s compliance with the treatment is very important. However, the experience of the physical therapist also plays a big role in this compliance. In order for the patient to get the best results from the treatment process, the treatment should be done exactly according to the needs of the patient. An experienced physical therapist can accurately assess the patient’s condition and make the appropriate planning. If you want to get more detailed information about neurological rehabilitation, you can visit the clinic of Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın in Ankara; you can call our clinic.