Athlete Rehabilitation

Athlete rehabilitation; These are the applications made to reduce the negative effects of muscle and tissue damage caused by sports and to strengthen the musculoskeletal structure.

Of course, the benefits of regular sports to the body do not end with counting. However, we can also say that athletes are at some risk at this point. Meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament tears, tennis elbow, Achilles tendon and shoulder injuries are the most common disorders we encounter in athletes. It is a painful process for injured athletes to resume their careers. Physical therapy helps muscles regain their strength. For this reason, it is one of the sine qua non of the treatment process.

If physical therapy is not performed, there may be a decrease in performance. This situation seriously reduces the quality of life. Athlete rehabilitation helps to restore the joint patency to its normal state, increase the flexibility of the muscles and endurance. In the continuation of our article, you can find more information about athlete rehabilitation.

For those you want to consult about athlete rehabilitation in Ankara, you can contact the clinic of Specialist Dr. Nural Aydın.

What Are Sports Injuries?

We can examine sports injuries in two groups as “macrotraumatic injuries” and “microtraumatic injuries”. Each sport branches train different muscle groups. For this reason, stereotypes such as “football player disease” etc. are frequently encountered in musculoskeletal group injuries.

Macrotraumatic injuries are oftencaused by falls and collisions. It is caused by force. For this reason, it occurs more frequently, especially in contact and strength-based sports such as football and rugby.

Microtraumatic injuries are caused by excessive use of muscle, joint and tendon structures. For this reason, regular physical therapy is of great importance in the treatment process. It is usually common in athletes engaged in tennis, swimming, rowing and athletics.

What is the Purpose of Athlete Rehabilitation?

Athlete rehabilitation; aims to minimize the limitation of movement caused by the injuries mentioned above. What is essential in the first stages of injury; is the reduction of pain and edema. After the tissues begin to heal, the priority is; is the patient’s return to sports. For this reason, it is very important to plan athlete rehabilitation correctly. Objectives of athlete rehabilitation:

To make the muscles stronger again

Increasing the flexibility of hardening and dulling musclesStrengthening weakened muscles, making them able to do sports again.

To prevent the damage caused by sports from becoming chronic and to ensure that the athlete gains his performance before the injury.

How Are Athlete Injuries Treated?

In athlete injuries, different treatment methods may be preferred according to the type and severity of the damage. Physical therapy can be the first step in this process. Or it can be applied after surgery. However, many athletes cannot return to sports without physical therapy.

The reason for this is; even if surgery is performed, the muscles need to be strengthened. In this process, a multidisciplinary approach should be followed and the necessary steps should be taken to strengthen the athlete again.

How is Athlete Rehabilitation Done?

If we divide athlete rehabilitation into stages;

In the first stage; reduction of tissue damage, relief of pain and edema and preservation of anatomy. The primary treatment at this stage is; protection, rest, ice compression. In this process, ideal conditions for the repair of tissues are tried to be provided.

We can call the second stage the “middle rehabilitation stage”. In this process, the body begins to repair damaged tissues. Therefore, the focus is on reducing functional losses.

The advanced stage of rehabilitation begins after about 21 days. How long it lasts depends on the extent to which the patient responds to treatment. In this process, the risk of re-injury is also evaluated and protective applications can be applied.

In the “return to sports stage”, which is the last stage of athlete rehabilitation, the general exercises are replaced by exercises for sports. This process is very important for the athlete to return to sports without losing performance. Because after physical therapy, even if the body is completely healed, it may not have the strength to do sports again. For this reason, the athlete needs to be strengthened to adapt to the team or training. This work will also significantly reduce the risk of re-injury.

During the follow-up and observation phase, the performance of the athlete is evaluated. If necessary, physical therapy sessions can be continued, although the frequency is less. Thus, long-term results are obtained from the treatment.

Ankara Athlete Rehabilitation

Ankara athlete rehabilitation is a subunit of physical therapy. For this reason, it is a professional process that should be planned by physical therapists. The experience of the physical therapist and the approach to the patient help the person to get the best results in a short time. In this process, the patient should also be informed about exercises and lifestyle. You can contact our clinic for athlete rehabilitation in Ankara and make an appointment.